Wednesday 31 August 2011

Windows Mango Phone Offers Robust Picture-Taking

Camera phones have been apart of our lives for some time now; since around the beginning of the 2000s, and, of course, they are an incredibly popular method for taking pictures in today’s world. So much so, in fact, the …

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Google Chrome Frame Avoids Admin Lockdowns, Leaves Beta

Google’s developers want your Internet browsing experience to be as robust as possible, even those of you who are stuck using Internet Explorer 6, or any of the versions that succeeded IE6. This capability now includes people who are locked …

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Does Recording Sex Acts Cross the Line for Stolen-Laptop-Tracking Companies?

As many of you probably know, there are now plenty of companies out there that can help you retrieve your laptop, should it fall into the wrong hands. These companies do this by activating pre-installed software once your computer is …

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Arian Foster?s Hamstring MRI Gets A Twitter Diagnosis

Sports stars on Twitter. Always the source of amusement. Little did Texans running back and very high pick in my fantasy draft Arian Foster know that his tweet earlier today regarding his hamstring injury would result in a diagnosis by …

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Do PPC Ads Impact Your Organic Listings Success?

Advertisers often face the dilemma of whether or not to pause a paid advertising campaign when their websites are doing well the organic rankings of SERPs.

Will pausing the paid advertising guarantee an increase in the number of clicks received on organic results? Do paid ads affect the traffic generated from corresponding organic listings for the same keywords? So many questions

Well, Google has the answers through the Search Ads Pause Studiesconducted by Dr. Varian, Chief Economist at Google.

The study is based on a statistical model built to predict the change in click rates for given levels of ad spends.The number of organic impressions and spend impressions served as the parameters giving an estimate for the incremental clicks attributable to search ads (IAC) i.e. the percentage of paid clicks that are not accounted for by organic clicks when the paid ad campaigns is paused.

The study was based on 446 campaigns running in Germany, France, Great Britain and the United States from October 2010 through March 2011. The research team examined campaigns that had been paused after running ads for some period of time and then estimated the incremental impact of paid search ads on total search volume.

And the results

The findings of this study found that ad click percentage was as high as 89%, meaning that for a given keyword, a paid ad campaign would generate an 89% increase in traffic to the site over that generated by organic listing. It could be suggested that the data is skewed somewhat because more that half of the campaigns studied were US based with data coming in from the holiday period.

While this study surely answers some important questions frequently asked by advertisers, should they take it as a thumb rule for other search engines as well?

Check out iNeedHits for more articles by Rene LeMerle

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Google Finally Weaving Local Strategy

Google has the money, resources and clout to compete in any market they enter fully. Problem is they also seem to suffer from a focus problem. They tend (or at least it appears to me)...

... to release features without strategy. Of late, however, it looks like they just might be getting their local strategy together and marshaling a suite new features combined with existing assets to put themselves in position to take a giant leap in the local reviews, local offers, and local social games to go with their strong local search position.

Google City Pages and Offers

Two barely noticeable moves in the last couple weeks give hint to the this focus strategy. I took note of both and wrote quick updates - The first was the addition of optimized reviews in Places Pages and the second was the addition of reputation management features in Profile Pages. Both of these moved signal a renewed focus on making both Profiles and Places pages more important in their ecosystem and perhaps ultimately in a social network of some sort.

Of course the Google Offers play - their answer to Groupon's success - has been unfolding for a few weeks, and I had my doubts they would do what it would take to slow Groupon, but hey, it's Google and you never know.

This week they slyly unleashed what could only be called City Pages - hat tip to the always informative David Mihm for tracking this down - City Pages, like this example for Portland, are a necessary piece in the puzzle if they are to compete with Groupon, but they also further the importance of claiming and optimizing a Place Page, appear to show in the Index and really put the spot light on the reviews. (Only a handful of cities are currently live.)

Business owners are invited to claim their pages, create special offers and try out ad products such as Boost right from the city home page. There's also an interesting integration of acquisition TalkBin, a tool that makes it very easy for people send SMS messages to any registered business.

The cities chosen for the City Page beta test closely align with the first Google Offers beta tests and can be supported by the local Google sales and support staff. With Google's ability marry advertising with offers and a local portal this could prove very disruptive to Groupon, but also to many local portals services such as Yelp! and CityPages.


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3rd Party Review Counts Are No Longer Shown On Google Places Search

It appears, in the Google Places search result, of the main searches, the third part reviews whilst still being linked... the result are not taken into consideration for the total reviews. Google's own reviews are only being depicted in the review count.

Maybe it its just a minute change, but with Google making many changes as of late, maybe this little change might be a part of the big picture. Perhaps this is an indicator that Google is not done yet. Expect lot of rankings to change for local listing!


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Automatically Check Your Level of Privacy on Facebook

Reclaim Privacy website will help you keep your Facebook profile information private.

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Rebecca Black, No, The Other Rebecca Black: A Facebook Identity Problem

Rebecca Black wants you to know that she’s not Rebecca Black. In fact, the “about” information on her page reads in all caps: I AM NOT THE SINGER!!!! Rebecca Black’s Facebook page tells you that she is an “ACSM Certified …

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mysql_real_escape_string Not Working When Querying The Database

OK I will do my best to explain this problem that I believe mysql_real_escape_string should resolve but it's not.

Now, at this particular website...

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Google Places Pages Undergo Major Overhaul

Dont expect to see any Yelp or CitySearch reviews in Google Place pages anymore, they have been removed all together by Google. TripAdvisor, Yelp and Citysearch have long been complaining that...

...Google was stealing their customer reviews about local businesses and reproducing them on its very own Place pages. Now Google have finally taken action andremoved all reviews from external sites, so now only reviews written by Google users will be displayed.

The impact has been immediate for some businesses. For example, Keens Steakhouse in New York displayed 60 reviews last Friday, compared with more than 3,000 last month. While San Fransico based Paxtis Chicago Pizza saw the number of reviews drop from1,110 reviews to only 171 soon after the clean up.

Google Places Product Manager, Avni Shah, announced the following in her official blog post:

Based on careful thought about the future direction of Place pages, and feedback weve heard over the past few months, review snippets from other web sources have now been removed from Place pages. Rating and review counts reflect only those thatve been written by fellow Google users, and as part of our continued commitment to helping you find what you want on the web, were continuing to provide links to other review sites so you can get a comprehensive view of locations across the globe.

TripAdvisor CEO Stephen Kaufer said Googles decision is a positive sign, but Id love for them to come out with a statement that we promise not to do it again.

The result of this change has resulted in Google Places pages now looking a lot more neat and tidy with Google focusing more on the reviews, updates, pictures being provided by their users rather than external sources.

Although Google claims these changes are simply one of its constant attempts to improve the overall users experience, there is an underlying motive. The real inside story is that these changes came into effect just a week after Yelp took a legal step against Google  in regards to anti-trust issues.

I think this isnt the last we will hear about Google, Yelp and customer reviews " we will be sure to keep you updated with any more news at it surfaces.


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Google Beefs Up NFL Search Results

It should be easier to find NFL scores on Google moving forward, which is a good thing because the season is quickly approaching. That’s not all though. Google has expanded its NFL-related search results to include even more information, thanks …

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