Sunday 31 July 2011

Netflix, Hulu Users Streaming Video in Vastly Different Ways

There is a fundamental distinction between Netflix users and Hulu users, and it goes far beyond who has more allegiance to 30 Rock. Netflix and Hulu users differ greatly in both how they stream their content and what content they …

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Microsoft Buys 8 Search Engine Optimization Domain Names

Microsoft has purchased eight domain names related to search engine optimization (SEO). I am not quite sure about the reasoning behind this move by Microsoft...

...the owner of the search engine. There could be a few reasons, the most logical being brand and trademark protection, as I do not suspect that Microsoft is going to go into the search engine optimization business anytime soon.

Microsoft purchased 49 domain names today, and eight of the domain names were related to "search engine optimization" for their search engine:

What I find particularly interesting, though, is that there aren't any .COM domains on the list. All of these domain names are either .net, .org, or .info domain names. It does not appear that any of the .com domains are owned by Microsoft at this point.

When you go to any of these 8 domain names, they appear to resolve to a search result for the related keyword phrase on

What I find particular funny, as a sidenote to all of this, the domain name appears to be pointed at Google right now:


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As Google+ Controversy Rages, Linden Lab Launch Social Profiles

Two weeks ago, when I first wrote about the problems with Google+ and identity/pseudonymity, some people misunderstood. They believed that I was speaking about a virtual worlds issue (solely and specifically), and what's more, a personal one, even...

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What do you love ~ Google Thorough-Good

Just when I was wondering what Google’s been doing to tie it’s products together for the uninitiated, they launch the ‘What do you love?’ service. I could hyperlink the URL, but it’s super easy to memorize, just (as in What Do You Love) *UPDATE: If this does not work for you, try it again [...]

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15% Off Best Of The Web (BOTW) Submissions

Every once in a while our friends at Best Of The Web (BOTW) offer discounts on submissions. And every time they do, we get excited as they’re arguably my favorite of the paid directories. The fee is reasonable (especially with a discount) and since they’re decline poor sites or sites with broken link or that [...]

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Seattle PD Uses Twitter Effectively, People Still Complain

In what sounds like another sterling example of a First World Problem, the Seattle Police Department conducted an experiment with their Twitter account, essentially treating it like a police blotter report. This actually sounds like an innovative use for Twitter, …

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Forgot my PC password


I found that this is the place where I can know how can I recover my PC's password which I forgot. I have asked one of my friends and he...

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Perform Your Automatic Windows Update

If you see the Microsoft Update Icon in your system tray, that means you need to take action and apply a security update to Windows.

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Mobile, Deals & Payments: Closing the Local Loop

A term increasingly buzzing throughout the local media space is ?closing the loop.? This culminates the past two years of mobile advancements, recent excitement around local deals, and finally the emergence of mobile payments.

In Jun...

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6 Ways Search Marketers Can Capitalize During Holidays & Seasonally

My last three articles have covered all manner of gift-oriented shopping behavior by search engine users. We?ve learned quite a bit, such as:

Which product categories see a spike in interest earlier in the run-up to holiday shopping, com...

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Google Chrome Ups Its Game, Battles Bad Reviews

According to Sean Michael Kerner at eSecurity Planet, ?Google’s ChromeOS is a browser-based cloud powered operating system that holds the potential to be more secure than other traditional hard disk powered operating systems. According to research from security firm Whitehat, ChromeOS has its strengths, but it also has a few weaknesses too.? Kerner is not [...]

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Idiot Taunts Cops On Facebook, Arrested Shortly Thereafter

In the world of social media fails, it doesn’t get much better than a fugitive telling the police their general location on Facebook. A 29 year-old self-described rap promoter was arrested by New York Police after issuing a challenge to …

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Public Google+ Profiles Mandatory

Privacy advocates beware: After July 31st, Google will be terminating all private profiles on customer accounts. Now that Google has soft-launched their new social networking platform Google+, Google plans to follow up on a previous announcement to remove all private accounts. The release of Google Buzz encountered resistance when trying to force users to public [...]

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Google Has Only Indexed .004% Of Online Data

Very cool Infographic designed by The Roxor, which shows the amazing size of the Internet including stats on data, social media, usage. Here are some highlights:
  • 1.9 Billion people use the Internet

  • Over 5 million terabytes of data on the Internet

  • Google's index only includes 200TB (or 0.004%)

  • 193 Million domain registrations

  • 46% of domain registrations are .com


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Hacker Takes a Bite Out of Apple

How safe is your Apple device? Maybe you have secured your browser and you have kept your communications secured, but have you protected against something like?fire? When we say fire we do not mean a figurative fire but a literal flames coming out of your Apple laptop. As crazy as it sounds this is not [...]

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Hacker Takes a Bite Out of Apple

How safe is your Apple device? Maybe you have secured your browser and you have kept your communications secured, but have you protected against something like?fire? When we say fire we do not mean a figurative fire but a literal flames coming out of your Apple laptop. As crazy as it sounds this is not [...]

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Google Bans Dirty Words from What Do You Love

You may be a person that loves breasts or sex or foul language, but there’s a good bet you won’t find any of that on Google’s “What Do You Love” search engine experiment. Thanks to a list that’s making its …

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20 Domains for auction:,,, etc..

20 domain names now available on eBay for a limited time and these domain name auctions start at only $19.99 each with no reserve.

These domain...

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Can you review my logo please

I am a website and graphic designer (but not very professional lol) and after designing a lot of logo and drafts, I designed something that I...

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Squidoo please help!

Hi I'm new to squidoo. I started creating lenses last night. Any tips on squidoo and how to increase my rank in squidoo? Thanks

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Official Google+ Blog Nonexistent, But This Serves the Same Purpose

You know how Google has official blogs for many of its products – or at least areas of focus? You have the Official Google Blog, the Gmail Blog, the Google Mobile Blog, the Google Lat Long Blog, the Google Research …

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New to WebPro - Wordpress plugin marketeer from Blighty (UK)

Hi all, so where`s the bar? Can anyone point me in the right direction? Do I need to have 10 posts before being bought a beer from fellow members?...

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Saturday 30 July 2011

Increase Website Authority with Wikipedia Guidelines

This search engine optimization article aims to teach you how to increase your website's authority by following Wikipedia guidelines.

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The 10 Best Shopping Engines

Each quarter CPC Strategy ranks the best comparison shopping engines�(CSEs) according to their merchant tools, merchant support standards, average conversions, traffic, CPC cost per sale, and revenue to help online retailers decide where to f...

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Google is taking out the trash

For some time now the “free hosting” Korean company has been a target of malware, phishing, and large volumes of spam content. Over at Google I can picture a hand full of their best ‘whack-a-mole’ admins looming over activity from sites. It’s anyone’s guess what kind of resources this one company has tied [...]

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Idiot Taunts Cops On Facebook, Arrested Shortly Thereafter

In the world of social media fails, it doesn’t get much better than a fugitive telling the police their general location on Facebook. A 29 year-old self-described rap promoter was arrested by New York Police after issuing a challenge to …

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Look out Flickr ? Photobucket Is Making a Comeback

Remember photo sharing website Photobucket? The service slid off the radar for a few years, but according to company CEO Tom Munro, it's back and ready to compete.

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The 10 Best Shopping Engines

Each quarter CPC Strategy ranks the best comparison shopping engines�(CSEs) according to their merchant tools, merchant support standards, average conversions, traffic, CPC cost per sale, and revenue to help online retailers decide where to f...

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Google Web Master Tools - Not Found

I am working with a site that completely re did their site causing a lot of missing pages error reports on google websmaster tools. I know how to fix...

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Google AdWords Top 20 Most Expensive Keyword Categories!

Google, last week announced a massive rise of 32% year on year in their revenue which equaled to a whooping $9.02 billion of revenue in the Q2 2011 earnings.

Sure these figures do not come as a surprise to anyone. Google has had a strong hold on the market for quite some time now.

The most interesting point to note is, 97% of Google's earnings are owing to the extensive advertising on Google sites. Such high is the intensity of the advertisements that, it has grossed them a jaw dropping $32.2 billion from the period leading from Q3 2010 to Q2 2011. And, to that end, WordStream's Larry Kim reported that their main aim was to explore, "what keywords demand the highest costs per click and are most competitive in terms of high search volume. Since the vast majority of Google's profits come from AdWords advertising, these high CPC keyword categories are responsible for a large part of Google's profits."


WordStream summarized their findings in their infographic of the 'most expensive keywords. The infographic clearly depicts the top 20 key words categories that are minting Google the money, owing to the increased search volume and CTC, are :

  1. "Insurance" (example keywords in this category include "buy car insurance online" and "auto insurance price quotes")

  2. Loans (example keywords include "consolidate graduate student loans" and "cheapest homeowner loans")

  3. Mortgage (example keywords include "refinanced second mortgages" and "remortgage with bad credit")

  4. Attorney (example keywords include "personal injury attorney" and "dui defense attorney")

  5. Credit (example keywords include "home equity line of credit" and "bad credit home buyer")

  6. Lawyer ("personal injury lawyer," "criminal defense lawyer)

  7. Donate ("car donation centers," "donating a used car")

  8. Degree ("criminal justice degrees online," "psychology bachelors degree online")

  9. Hosting ("hosting ms exchange," "managed web hosting solution")

  10. Claim ("personal injury claim," "accident claims no win no fee"

  11. Conference Call ("best conference call service," "conference calls toll free")

  12. Trading ("cheap online trading," "stock trades online")

  13. Software ("crm software programs," "help desk software cheap")

  14. Recovery ("raid server data recovery," "hard drive recovery laptop")

  15. Transfer ("zero apr balance transfer," "credit card balance transfer zero interest")

  16. Gas/Electricity ("business electricity price comparison," "switch gas and electricity suppliers")

  17. Classes ("criminal justice online classes," "online classes business administration")

  18. Rehab ("alcohol rehab centers," "crack rehab centers")

  19. Treatment ("mesothelioma treatment options," "drug treatment centers")

  20. Cord Blood ("cordblood bank," "store umbilical cord blood")"


Google AdWords works on the basis of bidding for maximizing profits, where the advertisers participate in an auction of keywords for top ad placement. As top ad placement could lead to possible extra clicks. The minimum bid one can make is 5 cents. And as Larry Kim points out, "Google can make up to $50 per click. Despite a diversified product portfolio, advertising on Google sites accounts for the vast majority of its billions in annual revenue."

A statement made by Google's Chief Economist back in September 2009 can perhaps prove as a justification on Google's part for warning its users about the cost implications, "Your incremental cost per click is how much extra you are paying, on average, for the extra clicks you are getting from your higher bid. When your value per click is higher than your incremental cost per click it makes sense to increase your bid. On the other hand, if your value per click is lower than your incremental cost per click, you probably want to decrease your bid." I guess, you can't blame Google solely for the revenue they generate as result of the price we end up paying. If you've evaluated bidding highly and $50 per click is going to profit you then its your decision. Google starts the bid at an affordable 5 cent, its your competitors you need to blame for hiking the bid price and not Google.

In addition to that, whilst these industries are ending up paying high sum for their CTC's an important point to note is, these industries have a quite dedicated customer traffic inflow. So, these businesses in principle do not mind paying such high value sums. So, who's to be blamed? Certainly, not Google.

With the increase in the compition, will mean added fight over key words. So, the future looks good for Google as key words will get increasingly more expensive.

So, why not make use of the Google's bid simulator as reveals:


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Microsoft Adcenter keywords not showing up in Analytics

I know there is probably a simple solution to this, but the phrases I'm targeting with my Microsoft Adcenter campaigns aren't showing up in my ...

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Seattle PD Uses Twitter Effectively, People Still Complain

In what sounds like another sterling example of a First World Problem, the Seattle Police Department conducted an experiment with their Twitter account, essentially treating it like a police blotter report. This actually sounds like an innovative use for Twitter, …

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Facebook Movie Rentals Concept Expanded Thanks To Paramount

More movies are available for rent directly through Facebook, using Facebook Credits. Why is this significant news? Because this time, the titles come from Paramount, indicating that more studios are eyeing this as a potential option for film distribution. Warner …

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